Saturday, September 15, 2012

Had a great day as usual the first day after chemo.  The steroids that they give you to take on the first and second day so that you do not feel the pain are awesome.  I can see why people who work out use the steroids and then they can do so much more.  I cleaned some cupboards today, went for a two hour walk exploring the new subdivision near our old house and then did laundry the rest of the day and made supper.  Now to relax and do some knitting and watch TV.  It should be the same tomorrow until I hit the wall.  Last time it hit at 5 pm, the time before it hit at 11pm, the time before not until Monday... the time before Tuesday.  I should put out a lottery to see when it will hit this time.  I may just recognize the symptoms now better so I take the Tylenol  earlier..  At least this way I do not get nauseous.  It is a lot easier to avoid getting sick then to try to get rid of the sickness later.  Only was stupid once so far... never again if I can help it.  Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

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