Friday, September 14, 2012

Finished off one that Jo started in the summer but didn't get a chance to finish before she left.  One of the ladies took it today.

I did it myself.  I convinced Jim to work today so I drove myself to chemo and back again.  James was on standby as a driver if I didn't think I could make it home but I was fine.  I just took this picture since I realized I do not have any like this on my blog.  This is what I look like around the house since the wig and hats are too hot in this crazy weather and they give me a headache with something on my head all of the time.
Chemo went well again.  5 down and 1 to go then on to radiation.  Based on what I saw today, I think that I am going to keep the picc in for the rad treatments just in case.  My hemoblobin is only 109 and it should be at least 110 and for rad they usually like it to start at 120 so the nurse was saying that I might need to have a blood transfusion before I can start the rads.  There was a lady there today getting magnesium in an IV since it dropped too low on her.  She gets chemo every monday morning then radiation in the afternoon every week day.  She is finishing week 4 of 5.  They did more blood work on her while she was there and figured out that she needed  potassium as well.  Her IV was very painful so they had to keep dropping the drip so she might be there until midnight.  She still needs her radiation this afternoon so they were going to stop the drip and wheel her down for it and then bring her back up.  Those things are not meant to go in a regular IV which is why they were burning her even though she did half in one arm and half in the other.  Her arms are all black and blue from the blood work that they do on her to get the counts.... I would rather put up with the troubles of the PICC line than that.  She is the first one that I have met that was going through the rad treatments.  She has cervical cancer and will have her surgery next week.
I also met a lovely lady from Hawkesbury.  She had cancer in 2002, came back 2004, 2007, 2009 and 2011 and she is still doing the treatment for that one.  She has a picc for drawing blood and pain killers and has a port for the chemo.  She truly is a fighter.  Her husband said it was the 75th trip to ottawa this time round for her.  It is now in her bones so not good.  She is knitting a sweater that she liked the pattern of because it goes across.  She told a friend that she liked the pattern and wanted to knit it but thought it would be dumb since she would never get to wear it.  Her friend said knit it and I will wear it so I will.  She has crocheted double bed size afghans and donated them for draws to raise money for cancer.  They have the ribbons on them and the hearts so she did the pink one first which came with the kit and then did a blue one for ovarian cancer using the pattern and just buying the right colour wool.  Guess what I am thinking of doing...  I can carry on her work.

The nurse gave me a book to read which I can read before I go back the last time:  Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor.  So far it is really good.  Talks about turning a negative into a positive.  "What if you could see adversity as an adventure instead of a battle, an opportunity and not a curse?  The big-daddy life question isn't whether were going to die.  I got news for ya, life is a terminal condition;  cancer patients are just more aware of it.  The real question is how many of us will choose to truly live."

I really think I will like the book.  People think I am out there doing too much but my counts are still good for  chemo at least and I am not depressed and enjoying life.  So far so good.

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