Thursday, September 13, 2012

4 hats to donate tomorrow.  Gave 7 others today to the girl that I met who has permanently lost her hair.  Her two sisters have lost theirs as well so I figured they needed them more than chemo people who only need them for a few months.  Spread the wealth kinda.

Roller bladed for about 1.5 hours... some with Judy for her first time then by myself taking pictures See Below.  We went on the path opposite Billings Bridge.  Judy did awesome for her first time.  We are going to go again next Wed after I get my PICC cleaned at the mall and then off we will go.

Not a care in the world.  Some ducks were funny trying to swim against the current up some rapids.  Go a bit and then float backwards further then they would finally find a better path.  They work so hard which is weird because they could just fly up.

Even the pigeons can look pretty when  you are in the right mood.

Seagull checking it all out.

Best I could get of the Black Swan.  There are lots of the White ones but the Black one is hard to get.

Beautiful white one on shore cleaning itself.

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