Friday, October 19, 2012

Took the hats in today after my apt and it was a good thing too since there were not any hats there at all.  That is a first.  Usually when I drop them off there are at least 10 to 20 other ones there.
For my apt I got to see one of the chemo nurses and Dr Hopkins.  The chemo nurse said that she took the shrug that I gave her to show her Mom at thanksgiving and her mom loved it too.  She thanked me a lot again for it.  I guess not too many people give things to the nurses.
Dr. Hopkins is great.  This is the first that I have seen her since the follow up from surgery in June.  She obviously read my file before she came in and talked to me like we were old buddies.  When she walked in she said hi kiddo, how is it going, long time no see.  I know she probably doesn't really remember me but it made me feel at ease.  So in no particular order.

1.  CT scan next week is just to see how big an area my parts cover down there so that they know how big an area that they want to throw the radiation at.
2. After radiation is done sometimes it is just the radiologist and sometimes they send me back to Hopkins group for the followups.  I see them quarterly for the next two to three years.
3.  The CT scan if I get one to see if all of the current cancer is gone will not be for at least 60 days after the last radiation treatment.  They have to make sure that it has finished doing its thing before they check to see if it did its thing.  It actually makes sense.
4.  Dr Hopkins says I can definitely diet now and was shocked at the weight gain.  She said that I will have diahria during radiation too and I can take advantage of that to help loose the extra weight that I recently put on.
5.  I told her about the scare on the doubling the chances of getting cancer again from the radiation and she said that Dr Samant had too many statistics in his head.  She said that he may see a lot of recurrance from the radiation in his group but she says that her group doesn't see that much.  She thought that 4% was high and she knocked on wood saying that we will just have to wait and see.
6.  Eating problem - once I described it to the nurse... she said that it might be my gall bladder but to ask the doctor since she was just a nurse.  I asked Dr Hopkins and she too immediately said gall bladder but that she doesn't do anything for it.  I have to go back to my family doctor for that.  I made an apt to see Dr Kuntz my family doctor for October 31st.  Happy Halloween.

Better go get ready for this afternoon's education session on radiation.  If there is any more info from them.. I will give an update.

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