Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ok this is the info I have been waiting for... not conclusive but a little more information than I had.  I saw my radiologist today and he changed a bunch of things that I have been told.  My cancer is so weird...info given to me before does not apply to me.
1. Who cares what my hemoglobin level is, I get radiation no matter what... so Gary I do not have to eat Brocoli.
2.  PICC comes out with my last chemo which hopefully is on Friday.  The lady that was so sick had cervical cancer getting chemo and a higher dose of radiation at the same time. I supposedly will not need the PICC so out it comes.
3.  My major side affects to rad treatment will be fatigue, diahria, burning while urination.  Maybe I won't hurt when I eat if it goes right through me... got to look at the bright side.
4.  Next phone call will be to book CT scan to set up the rad treatments which I assume means that is when I get the tattoos... I forgot to ask... chemo fog....
5.  If I get chemo on Fri then rad treatments start in early November - still for the 5 weeks 5 days a week.
6.  I do not get to book the rad treatments... they are so busy I take what I get so I have no idea what time of day I will have to go in.
7.  Do not read this one if you are not taking this well.
                 I had to sign off on taking the rad treatments to prove that they are not forcing me to... same as I did for chemo....  This one is a little different in that Radiation will kill any leftover cancer in the area where my tumor was but it can also cause cancer in the future.  In 10 to 15 years my chances are double what they used to be to get cancer in that area.  I told him there wasn't much left there any way but there are still the bowels, kidney that he said and I guess my appendix is still there.  So around 65 to 70 I get to start looking for symptoms and see someone right away if I suspect any thing.  Lovely thought to look forward to.  Sure makes early retirement that much more appealing.

Thats my news for the day... off to finish the last shrug.  4 done 1 more to go so they should be done by Friday.  Take care all.

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