Sunday, December 18, 2016

For a few weeks in September Snout Nose Butterflies Pass Through San Antonio As Part Of Annual Migration

Butterflies are usually very pretty but when there are litterally millions in the air all they do is cause a mess.  Everyone's vehicles were plastered with them in the grills and windshields.  This was early September - yes it has been awhile since I updated the blog but I am going through our pictures today so will take a stab at getting it up to date.
These Snout Nose Butterflies were trying to migrate but lots of them didn't make it.  They should bypass freeways if they expect to make it any further.  I have pictures out the front window going down 281 - does taking a picture when you are driving count as texting... coming home it is like a parking lot some nights any way.  Some of the pictures you may think there are just a lot of black dots in the air - they are all butterflies.  Took the other pictures over our house.
Black spots are butterflies

more closer and far

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