Sunday, December 18, 2016

Fredericksburg Octoberfest

We drove up to the town of Fredericksburg for Octoberfest.  They had lots of activities going on.  Lots of beer umpa stuff and competitions.  It is a very touristy town that we hadn't been to.  Lots of little knicky knacky stores etc.  It is North up in the Hill Country.  The drive was lovely.  It was just like driving up into the Gatineau.  We just walked up and down the main drag and people watched.  We went into a few of the shops but didn't go into the fairgrounds where all the activities were.  We could see enough from the outside in and there was a LLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOONNNNNNNgggg line to get in and cost a lot just to get in  We just went to one of their German Restaurants and sat outside and had a beer and a bratwurst and drove home again.

Huge American Eagle wood carving on the main drag
It looked like they carved it and the stump is still in tact
Just like a gatineau drive but remember this is October - no colour on the trees

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