Sunday, December 18, 2016

November Trip Home for Annual Cancer Clinic check up at American Thanksgiving

1st things first - had my check up on the Tuesday and still cancer free.  Will go back next year and then my doctor said that I can graduate.
It had a nice snow storm for me to see snow again which was nice.  I had a baby car that I rented so driving in the snow wasn't so great but I survived so all good.
Now for the rest of the excitement.  I woke up early to catch the plane to go home and was in a lot of pain.  I had to take three planes to get home so that did not help at all.  James and I were having supper and he convinced me that he was going to take me to the hospital.  We thought that I was having a heart attack.  So did emergency.  They did all the appropriate tests but found nothing.  Gave me pain killers that made me nautious so then I was sick to my stomach on top of the pain.  Finally had a break in the action and James drove me home.  Woke up Sat morning stick woozy from pain killers, went for a walk down the path with Ruth which helped clear my head a little.  I was then ok to drive to Cornwall to see Mom.  Played cribbage with her and took her to the restaurant across the street for supper.  Started to feel the pain again so drove home.
Sunday woke up in pain again so drove to Cornwall and then took advil which did nothing.  Deb came over so the three of us played crib in the game room at the end of the hall looking out over the canal from the St Lawrence.  We had fun.  It then started to Snow so I took off to go back up to Greely before it got too bad.  Mon to Wed worked from home except for going to the Cancer clinic.  They said I should go to my family dr about the pain.  Wed night went to see VDT's and had to leave when the pain was too bad to sit up any more.  FINALLY Thursday, I broke out in a rash so went back to Emergency and told them that I thought that I had shingles.  I jumped ahead of everyone else in the line ( I guess since I had already been there on the friday)  They confirmed my shingles and gave me pain killers and the drug that you have to take for 7 days within 72 hours of the break out.  Unfortunately I was contagious to old people, young people and pregnant ladies so I couldn't curl that night and cancelled the fondue with friends for Friday and Thanksgiving for Saturday with the family.  I couldn't visit Mom any more and didn't get to see Deb's new grandson.  Oh well maybe next trip.  Saturday Kelsey and James were nice to me and made me our little version of a nice thanksgiving dinner since I missed out on the big one.  I went to work when I got back here and they kicked me out since a girl who sits near me is pregnant and lots of the people I work with have never had chicken pox.  I guess it is not very common in India.  Thurs Dec 15th, I was allowed back in the office so worked from home up until then.  Some days were nice so it was nice to sit in a comfy lawn chair outside and key on the computer.  Again you will see lots of hats for the patients - none of the other trip hats were left.  The ones on my head were ones I made for James for Christmas.  The outfit I made for Joaquin which apparently is still too big.  Hopefully some day I will meet him so will have an idea of size to make it for him.  The picture of the wild turkeys was Jim sending that picture to me from the golf course while I was up north wondering if we had the turkey yet for thanksgiving.  Good contrast in pictures from two cities the same week.  Just a few degrees difference         

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