Sunday, December 18, 2016

Another football game - on a Saturday night, Late September for Homecoming

Yes this is just high school and yes they have a high school homecoming each year.  All the kids from the school had huge corsages on them saying whether they were freshmen or whatever and the ones that were grads had different info as to when they graduated.  At half time the band and dancers went out to entertain but the big entertainment was the crowning of the King and Queen and there entourage.  Yes as you will see one of the guys is dressed up in drag, black dress with sheer top.  I am impressed that he could walk so well in those heels... he actually won to be in the queens court.  The other cool thing was seeing one of the foot ball players going out in the band as a drummer.  Yes you can do both.  Other football players were escorts for the contestants so the girls had beautiful dresses on and the guys were in their uniforms.  The contestants were winners voted in at each level, freshmen, sophomore, senior etc.  In the picture with the 50 yard line in front of them and they have red sashes  The couple on the left were last year's court and the lady on the right was the queen from some year in the early 80's.  She is also one of the coach's wife.  The last picture is to show the size of some of the girls with the flags for twirling with the band.  Good for them for participating.

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