Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Last visit this year to the Radiologist Doctor today.  I go back to see him in February.  I still have 3 more treatments but I don't see the doctor for those.  He says that I flew through the rad treatments compared to other people... go figure.  We then discussed my concerns about the CT Scan next week.  He doesn't think that the growth has anything to do with me not being able to eat without pain... it would be a different problem.  He thinks that since they have ruled out the stomach and gall bladder that  it is lymph...... can't remember the rest of the word.  What he said that was was basically scar tissue from removing the lymph nodes.  Since they didn't take many out which was surprising to Dr Hopkins since she thought that she had... maybe that is it.  She didn't think that there would be scar tissue because of the Robot doing the surgery but Dr Samant ... the rad guy says that it could be even with the Robot.  Oh well wait and see.   He did say that the side affects from radiation should be gone by Christmas which will be nice.  Being tied down to being close to a washroom all the time isn't fun.  He figures 4 to 6 weeks after radiation I should be able to go into a public pool which will be excellent exercise for me out of the cold.  Right now my immune system is still too low for something like that.

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