Monday, December 3, 2012

I was allowed to take a picture of the Radiation machine today.  The bed raises and goes back towards the machine until the circle on the right is at the top of my legs.  My head goes on the rest at the far end.  My legs go in the two half circle supports.  The machine is in the position now where it is for the fourth radiation shot. When I first lay down on it there is a cloth on it... see the orange folded up.  They then raise the table and move it back into position.  The part on the right is rotated on top of me.  See all the little spots around the glass on the blue disc.  They are stickers with funny pictures to give you something to look at.  While it is on the top they line me up with the tattoos and x's to make sure that they are going to give the rad to the right area.  They then rotate the machine to my right and measure the side x's view.  They then move it to the bottom of me below the table and leave the room.  From outside the room they start it.  It zaps under me, then moves to my  right and zaps again, then moves on top of me then zaps again and lastly it moves to my left and does the last zap.  They come back in and lower the bed and move it forward so that I can get off and off I go.  You hear the noise of it zapping you but you do not feel anything.
Only have to do this 5 more times.  I hope this explains it better than words... they always say that a picture is good.

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