Monday, August 25, 2014

This is the Salt Lick BBQ restaurant that we went to on Sunday.  It is supposed to be the best BBQ in Texas.  The atmosphere and food were awesome.

This is the waiting area.  We lucked in at the time we went.  If you go at meal time and it is not over 100 degrees then there is usually an hour wait which is fine when they provide picnic tables in an area where a band plays to entertain you while you wait.  There is no Alcohol sold here... it is BYOB and people wheel in their coolers.  There is a winery on site where you can go and taste wine and buy wine to drink if you like.

Don and Joyce went with me.  Notice Don carrying our leftovers.  There was way too much to eat but they know that and supply the cartons for you to fill.  There is also take out there.  The Return line behind them is for the pagers return... they give you a pager that rings when your table is ready if you need to wait for a table.  This is near Kyle just south of Austin in a town called Driftwood.  It was in the middle of nowhere.  Saw a lot of different country side driving there.

Riverboat tours

Falls at the Riverwalk

Path  beside the Riverwalk going under bridge

Map of the Riverwalk.  I walked around the circle loop

Spanish dancers at the Market Square - biggest Mexican Market north of the border

Me at the falls beside the riverwalk

Restaurants are right on the side with no railings

Another nice view of the walk

Me at the walk

The riverwalk... see why people like San Antonio

The rest of the bed and night stands came on Sat.  They didn't know how to put it together right so the drawers do not close.  Some one is supposed to come and fix that.  It is above my waste so I really have to jump to get into it.  I will have to work on something for Sparky when he gets here!

Since I had the night stands can use the end tables where they are supposed to be so switched the chair and loveseat around to fit better.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Found out what stuffing envelops is all about... they were already stuffed ... we just had to seal them.  They were Fed Ex envelops full of pay stubs for each of the restaurants... so almost 800 envelops to rip off the sticky seal and bend it over to seal it and put it in a Fed Ex bucket.  With a weekly payroll they do this every friday night... no online paystubs here... all paper.  Today they were prepping for the tools release upgrade being done tomorrow so it slowed down all the payroll jobs so they needed help to still get them out in time for the courier.... Directors, Managers, even the COO was up there ... definitely a team spirit around here... everyone chips in.
No Bingo tonight... lots of problems at work so I volunteered to help stuff envelops for payroll tonight.  Not sure what that means but I will soon learn.  So instead of Bingo we are going to Gruene on Sunday which should be fun.  Have a nice weekend y'all!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Went Golfing last night with one guy from work and two others that used to work here.  My clubs are not here yet so I had to rent clubs.  Cost $15.41 for 9 holes, a cart and rentals.  Pretty cheap.  It was across from the oldest skeet shooting range in Texas... lots of gun shots going good excuse if you miss your ball ; ).  Going to play bingo Fri night with some people from work at a church for a fund raiser.  Hopefully get the rest of my furniture on Sat.  Thats all for now.

Monday, August 18, 2014

After roller blading for an hour and a half I went to the outlet malls in San Marco.  There is a Tanger one right next to a Premium one that you can walk from one to the other.  I walked them for 3 and 1/2 hours in around 100 to 110 heat.  Needless to say when I got back to our apt I went swimming for an hour.  All in all a successful weekend.

On the trail... tells you not to cross the creek if overflowing... below is the creek riverbed... will be a while before it overflows by the looks of it now.

They should put these on the trails in Ottawa... if you get hurt then you can tell the operator where on the trail you are.

This is where I went rollerblading on Sunday

Found the button to turn the camera around without turning the phone... duh

Bed with end table for night stand.  Side rails were damaged so will get them next week so bed on floor for now.

Both end tables in living room for now until I moved one to bedroom

Dining outfit and living room from where the TV will go.

Bed before I made it.  Box in corner is footboard and drawers.  Can't use them until get the side rails

End table with small bed lamp... still looking for living room lamps.
Some of my missing furniture came on Saturday.  The side rails were damaged so they didn't bring them so hopefully I will get them with the back ordered night stands next Sat.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Relaxing by the pool.  the furniture but some damage to bed rails so will come with rest next week.
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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Just finished Zumba class.  I was cold when I started but very hot now.  One hour of that is a lot.  They did ones that they already knew so no breaks for lessons on the steps.  I kept up most of the time.  I had cramps when I went in but now I feel good... all of that wiggling around must have sorted out my problem.  It is over 100 out so I figure I will cool down at my desk and update the blog.
This morning's breakfast  with the big wigs was nice.  They are really FAMILY oriented... if you are an employee then you are part of the Whataburger family.  The CEO said that to survive here you have to leave your ego at the door and stay out of the politics.  The top guys are very blue collar and adamant that no job is to big or too small regardless of your level which is why you will see the owners take out the garbage without batting an eye at any of the restaurants if they see it needs to be done.
The CEO got choked up and almost shed some tears when he was talking about the company... very passionate people.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I went swimming in the pool last night before the storm hit after the afternoon storm.  There is a flowering tree next to the pool which shed its flowers into the pool so I swam between the petals.  There is a lane marked on the bottom of the pool which really helps me judge where the end of the pool is so that I can start my flip turn in the right place.  It is quite long too since I can get in between 15 and 17 strokes before I flip.  There were two girls in the fitness room I could see from the pool.. I would much rather swim than go on a tread mill.
Just finished my first Hatha Yoga class here at work.  You get to try one here at work before you have to pay your $5 per time.  I didn't do as bad as I thought I would ... with not being able to feel my toes I thought that I would lose my balance more but it wasn't too bad.  She just did easy balances since I told her I hated them - didn't tell her why... I think she was easy on me to make sure I came back and paid... she said that she was being bought to not do hard poses like tree.  I got really hot and nauseous though even though I was freezing before the class started.  It was my first non relax or laughing yoga since my treatments so I guess I did ok. 
Tomorrow night I get to try Zumba class.  I did them the last time we went to Cuba so I should be ok with them.
Got the 3 hour call for Sat delivery... they will deliver my bed, table, chairs and end tables Sat between 2 and 5.  My night stands are not in yet but  I can use an end table in the bedroom until the next Sat when it comes.  At least I will have a bed.
Tomorrow morning I have a breakfast meeting with the big wigs.  All new people get to have breakfast with the executives when they start... there are a bunch of us so it should be interesting.
Well better go home to have supper now.  Doing this from work since I do not have internet from the apt except on my two phones.
Jackets for dogs in Texas - put cooler packs in them to keep dogs cool

Bed for dog raised to be cooler with his own shade.  Welcome to Texas heat

Monday, August 11, 2014

Love the plants everywhere...even baby palms with the cactus under big trees at the mall.  At Home depot I can even buy a palm tree to put on the balcony... I am sure Sparky would love that ; )

How can you not like the views like this even at the mall where I hate shopping but love the views.

View off left balcony

View out center of balcony

View off right balcony

View far right looking to front of building to where we park.  Building is two apts deep.

Balcony furniture sitting in dining room.  Table and chairs come next week with the bed.  The bottom of these chairs pull out for foot stools with pillows on them.

Fireplace.  Corner on the right will have the TV when Jim comes down with it.

Love seat and chair and a half.  Jim will get his chair when he gets here.

Looking in the door at the washroom... very long counter lots of storage, linen closet door on left with necklaces hanging on it

Back to linen closet looking to bath tub area

Looking from living area so you can see the door to washroom

Bedroom furniture comes next week.  This is a double air mattress.  Ordered a king so lots of room for it

Kitchen area - the bifold doors goes to laundry area. Nice new appliances and granite

View to kitchen from living room ... you see part of my chair and a half

Straight on view of kitchen so you can see dishwasher and other door that is the pantry.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

I am in our apt safe and sound.  Took lot's of pictures but they are on my camera so have to load them from my computer and since I do not have internet yet I will have to find WiFi somewhere.  Apparently it is down at the pool area.  It is really nice here.  When I look out over the balcony it is like the rooms we get in Cuba so I am on vacation but just have to work a bit which I am figuring out new features and playing to make them work...or not.   Just the kind of thing I love to do.  We had a spirit day on Friday and IT won best theme and finance won best dress costume so I am working with great groups.  Each group won wearing jeans for a week and $500 for team building exercise. The event was to celebrate whatsoever birthday. I will post pictures of that too.  Back to washing cupboards and unpacking.  Just one room left...the bathroom then I am done do will go search WiFi.   At least my phone goes on the internet any where

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

My Social Security number arrived today in the mail.  Things are a lot easier now with it.  Got signed up for electricity in my apt with it... without it I was going to have to show up at their office with my passport. I don't ever remember having to use my SIN half as many places as I had to give my Social Security number today.  Bought the washer, dryer and patio set today... no more shopping now until after I move in on Saturday since I do not have any more room in the car.  I have the cushions from my loveseat and chair, wires and tubing for the Dryer all in my car now too waiting to move in.  I was able to put some stuff at my desk but no more room now until I get to move my stuff into the apt.
When I was at Costco on the weekend I saw very strange things... cart boys in the parking lot with camelbacks to keep them hydrated.  Another one of the cart guys had on a balaclava to keep cool.  One lady was at the canteen area filling up her cooler with ice so that her food would make it home ok.  She said she lived 400 miles away... who drives 400 miles to get to a Costco....  I can use my cdn costco card here but will look into Sams when it expires.
In the middle of the intersection there are the typical guys begging for donations... they sit on hard sided coolers that they can drag on wheels in between lights.  I saw people giving them Water bottles in lieu of money... Texas heat even influences that.  It hasn't really been that hot yet though... very comfortable for me walking around but cold in the office in the afternoon.  I went to the car this aft and got my furry blanket that was given to me at hydro for my desk there.  I will be bringing down my heavy cardigans now  to wear in the office even if it doesn't get too cold here in the winter.  I booked my flight home for Sept long weekend.  I am bringing home empty suitcases  to bring back some more stuff.  I will be home in October for my Dr apt and then Jim will be coming down in November.  Just a few more nights and I will be in our apt... stay tuned for pictures when I move in.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Jim and I have an apt to move into now.  I get it next Saturday.  It is in the Talaveras Apartments complex.  We got an A2 style with a fireplace.  I ordered a bed with nightstands, a table and chairs, end tables, a chair and a half and a love seat today.  Lots of shopping and I HATE shopping.  Hopefully my research pays off and it will all fit in.  Waiting on ordering the washer and dryer since I do not know if I need a 3 or 4 prong plug and how long the hose should be but they do not take as long to get delivered so can wait.  I will do laundry before I leave here Sat.  Most of the furniture will come in a couple of weeks so I will live in an empty apt for a week or so...Travelled miles and miles to find stores today... gotta love the GPS...    Long day so off to bed...night night