Sunday, March 3, 2013

Survived the bonspiel.  Everything went great.  Deb and Andrea sold 12 scarves which was great.  Our team won our draw so we won some nice prizes as well.
I had my doctor apt with my GP this week... follow up from my oncologist apt.  I now have my ultrasound booked for later in March and she asked for a MRI of the liver as well which will be booked soon.  My blood work looked a little better but my levels are still borderline.  She told me to wait another month or so before I can swim etc.  I guess I will be getting my blood done in another month and then we will see.
She put me on a pill for a month that is for reflux to see if that solves my eating problem.  She says my liver and cyst problems are not related to my eating problem so we are still trying to figure out it.  For the liver... there is only one liver specialist in Ottawa and she has a long waiting list so my doctor emailed her my test results and asked for a consult which hopefully will done soon.  She asked for advice on what steps she should do next to figure it out.  Bottom line still getting tested but no answers... sounds like two years ago all over again except I keep pushing more than I did then.  At least if it is liver cancer, they can remove the cancerous part and apparently the liver can grow back.
I have a very bad cold now so can't breath very well, cough and runny nose.  Got more cold medicine tonight so maybe it will work eventually.
That is all my news for now.

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