Monday, March 25, 2013

Got the results of the MRI and ultrasound today.  Nothing has grown so no need to panic.  There is no cure for the damage that I have from the surgery etc.  but at least the cysts eric are not growing so no cause for concern.  I just put up with the pain and be glad that I am cancer free.   She said that some times the damage will heal over time on its own.   In the meantime I am cleared for take off.  I just need to talk to my LTD rep and then off to Cuba.  My doctor said I definitely needed a vacation to just relax before going back to work.  My surgeon said not to return to work before May 1st.  My doctor wants to see me two weeks before that to see if she will delay it or not.  It is my brain that needs to get with it.  Physically I am ok...just need brain power.  I do not want to go back on the first though...who wants to go back at month end!   Even if I do not have my regular duties yet the environment is too stressful during month end.  Off to riverside tomorrow to sell more scarves.  Judy knitted up 4 of them to help which is great.  Have a good night all.

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