Saturday, March 23, 2013

Had my ultra sound yesterday and then spent the rest of the day in bed... same as what happened after my MRI.  I guess that I am a little more sensitive down there than I think I am... getting totally burnt inside and out I guess will take some time to heal... don't like it when I am touched there.
I was to get a pelvic and an abdominal one but they only wanted to do the pelvic one since I had just had a MRI...they said the abdominal one was a waste since it wouldn't show any more.... I argued that if the doctor asked for it then do it... told him my history and he finally gave in and did it.  I get the results at my doctor's appointment on Monday.
While I was waiting in the waiting room I was knitting a scarf of course.  A lady commented on it and one thing led to another and she gave me a $20.00 donation.
Feeling a little better today.
Thursday did the Nordic Walking course... very interesting dynamics in the class.  The teacher was trying to explain the benefits but one lady downed her for dreaming saying that cancer survivors are just happy to be alive and didn't need to lose weight etc and just wanted to enjoy walking whatever distance we could.  It was pretty tense for awhile..some others countered her saying we didn't want to be coddled either and were not offended by her approach..... hope it will be better next week.
That is all the news for the week.  Have a nice weekend.

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