Thursday, August 23, 2012

Proof that Wednesday night we made it past the end of Merivale  Rd from Ecolands.  We went further down too.
Well that might just be my last kayaking for the season unless we have a really nice October.  I got my pic in today and am not allowed to lift over 10 pounds with it.  My kayak is a little more than that and I can't get it up on the truck and off again with just my left arm.
The pic went in very easily.  It goes from the top of my right arm into the superior vena cava.  I hated 2nd year anatomy when I took it and using it now is even worse.  Translation it goes to the big vein that feeds the heart.  One cord comes out of my arm and just goes to one contraption that they stick the IV into.  Some people get it to split to two but mine is only one.  It is taped on my arm with an elastic bandage kinda thing around it and then I have a sleeve to put over it when I shower.  I have to go and get it flushed with saline once a week on the weeks that I do not have chemo... when it is not in use.  After they put it in using an ultrasound to see the beginning end... I had an xray of my chest to see that it ended up in the right place.  By the time I walked from the xray room back to the pic room..she had the xray up on her computer and said all was well.  She said in the old days they didn't even have the ultrasound machine to get the first part right.  She said the machine cost over 50K.  What a great investment.  Sure avoids a lot of poking around guessing if they are in the vein or not and now they can start it higher where they go deeper and into bigger veins that are better.
After that went to the volunteer meeting for the Ride the Rideau.  What a super organization.  They seem to be very well organized.  Almost 300 volunteers and over 700 riders.  Each rider has to raise 1,500.00 to participate so they will get a lot of money which is great.  I was shocked when I found out that only the first part from CE center to Earl Armstrong is blocked off to traffic and they will be on the road with cars the rest of the way.  It is started at the CE instead of Landsdowne this year so they are only going 98km.  It is still a long way but I think I will be able to do it next year.  Some of the riders this year have opted to ride back instead of taking the bus...WOW.
Thanks everyone who has sponsored me so far and those who said that they were but just haven't got around to it yet.  Here is the link again:

Off to get some rest now since have to get up early to hopefully get chemo at 7:30... I am sure my counts will be ok... have had lots of rest since I started the new meds.  Til tomorrow.

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