Friday, August 31, 2012

Did lots of housecleaning yesterday and maybe over did it.  I thought that I used my left arm most of the time but obviously not.  Had a lot of pain under my arm for most of the night.  Have to take it easy today but at least the house is clean with no bacteria for me to pick up any bugs from.  Have a nice long weekend all.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

James just cruising

James having fun

Can you tell I was happy

Just cruising

I did it!!!
One more thing off my bucket list.  No more whining, I have finally ridden a Sea Doo.  James and I went out on the Big Rideau and had a blast for two hours.  I got pretty brave but no where near what you see on the St. Lawrence where they go flying in the air.  We got them up to 54 mph which was pretty scary at first.  We lucked in with a beautiful day with very calm waters.  We continued down to Kingston to do some shopping at the warehouse stores and then home again.  James drove most of the way as he is learning to drive the standard which was great for me.  Hope everyone enjoyed a beautiful day like we did.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sunday was a nice day with family over for lunch and visiting.  Legs started to hurt at 5 p.m. so started the tylonal right away.  Today went shopping to get something to keep my PICC dry in the shower and slept the rest of the day whenever I took another pill.  Just took another couple pills so will be napping soon.  Yucky rainy day any way.  Take care all.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

This is my PICC. Right arm hand to left shoulder to right.  The top of the blue is where it goes into my vein.  The part wrapped in gauze is covering the end where they put the needle in to draw blood and IV needle to give chemo.  I have an elastic sleeve that I wear over it to keep it secure an not get caught in anything by mistake.  I convinced the homecare nurse today that I didn't need her and I could go to their clinic next week.  She said that was ok since I was one of the best shape ones that she had ever visited.  It will be better on the blood days since the clinic gives me the blood and I have to take it to the lab myself.  The clinic is at Billings and I use the lab at the Riverside so I don't have to keep the blood ok for very long and can drop it off quickly.  I would have to drive into town anyway so I just make a longer trip and don't have to wait around for someone to show up/find our house.

Couldn't sleep again last night so I started macrame'ing again.  Did a bracelet and a necklace to get me back in the hang of things.  Now I remember how much fun it was to macrame.  I still have lots of supplies in the basement so who knows what I will do.  I am also knitting a sweater but it is pretty complicated so have to really concentrate which I couldn't do last night.  Macrame made me concentrate but I couldn't really screw it up like I could have the sweater.

Did laundry and grocery shopping today so have lots of the proper food that the nutritionist suggested yesterday.  The steroids are working strong today.  I take them again tomorrow and then hit the wall.  At least everything good is in the house so I will be fine to veg out a few days.  I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather this weekend.

Friday, August 24, 2012

I can't believe that I forgot to take a picture of the hats this time.  I made 7 and mom made 2.  4 of them went to two people taking chemo with me.  The rest are there for others to take.  Mostly winter ones so they should go when the weather cools.
Chemo went well with the pic.  I get the supplies for it tonight and tomorrow a nurse comes to the house to change my dressing.  I slept through most of it today and now am still drowsy.
Met with the nutritionist while I was taking the chemo and got lots of hints on what to do.  Basically I have to take 6 small meals instead of big meals to give my stomach time to digest the food so that I don't get the pain any more.  She also told me to force myself to stay awake in the day so that I could sleep at night.  She said I could have naps but have to set my alarm so I don't sleep too long.  Hopefully I can do that but right now it is really hard to stay awake.  Have a good weekend all.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Proof that Wednesday night we made it past the end of Merivale  Rd from Ecolands.  We went further down too.
Well that might just be my last kayaking for the season unless we have a really nice October.  I got my pic in today and am not allowed to lift over 10 pounds with it.  My kayak is a little more than that and I can't get it up on the truck and off again with just my left arm.
The pic went in very easily.  It goes from the top of my right arm into the superior vena cava.  I hated 2nd year anatomy when I took it and using it now is even worse.  Translation it goes to the big vein that feeds the heart.  One cord comes out of my arm and just goes to one contraption that they stick the IV into.  Some people get it to split to two but mine is only one.  It is taped on my arm with an elastic bandage kinda thing around it and then I have a sleeve to put over it when I shower.  I have to go and get it flushed with saline once a week on the weeks that I do not have chemo... when it is not in use.  After they put it in using an ultrasound to see the beginning end... I had an xray of my chest to see that it ended up in the right place.  By the time I walked from the xray room back to the pic room..she had the xray up on her computer and said all was well.  She said in the old days they didn't even have the ultrasound machine to get the first part right.  She said the machine cost over 50K.  What a great investment.  Sure avoids a lot of poking around guessing if they are in the vein or not and now they can start it higher where they go deeper and into bigger veins that are better.
After that went to the volunteer meeting for the Ride the Rideau.  What a super organization.  They seem to be very well organized.  Almost 300 volunteers and over 700 riders.  Each rider has to raise 1,500.00 to participate so they will get a lot of money which is great.  I was shocked when I found out that only the first part from CE center to Earl Armstrong is blocked off to traffic and they will be on the road with cars the rest of the way.  It is started at the CE instead of Landsdowne this year so they are only going 98km.  It is still a long way but I think I will be able to do it next year.  Some of the riders this year have opted to ride back instead of taking the bus...WOW.
Thanks everyone who has sponsored me so far and those who said that they were but just haven't got around to it yet.  Here is the link again:

Off to get some rest now since have to get up early to hopefully get chemo at 7:30... I am sure my counts will be ok... have had lots of rest since I started the new meds.  Til tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Blood work done for this trip.  Pic tomorrow so had to do it old school today which was disastrous.  Poked around in my right arm until I winced so much in pain that she took it out... that was even with a butterfly needle and still couldn't get it in.  Looked around the left arm but no luck there either.  Finally went in the back of my hand which only gave two of the three viles and then it collapsed.  The lab is going to share the blood in the two so that she didn't have to poke me again.  I guess it is a good thing that I am getting the pic tomorrow or I would be not a happy camper on Friday.  Lets just hope that the blood was ok with the right levels for all of the tests.  Never a dull moment!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Slept until after 2 on Monday.  Not too sure about this new pill that I am taking.  It is supposed to help me sleep but until 2 is a bit much and then when I get up I am very weak and have no energy.  I am not in a haze but feeling exhausted is very weird.  It will definitely make me rest up for my blood work tomorrow but I am definitely going to ask about it on Friday.  I have 90 days worth which would take me almost through the radiation.  Maybe it just takes time for my body to get used to them.  I forced myself up today and cleaned all the washrooms which made me feel a little useful.  Oh well back to my swing.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Got in a kayak trip from Manotick to Kelly's for lunch and then back this morning.  The water was like glass when we started out.  The calm before the storm.  Went roller blading with Sparky when I got home.  We got home just before it started to rain.  Now to rest and work on some hats to take in on Friday.  Hope everyone is safe out of the storm.  Took the new medicine last night and I slept through the night and do not have the haze all day today.  Looks like they will work for now.  On line says they are very addictive so not sure about that part.....  til tomorrow...

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ride the Rideau:
I just got accepted as a volunteer and assigned my task for the Ride the Rideau Fundraiser for Cancer Research in Ottawa.  No I am not going to ride in it but as a goal I definitely want to be healthy enough to ride in it next year.  It is one of the few fund raisers out there that my weird kind of cancer will benefit from.  The riders start at Landsdowne Park and ride 100 km to Merrickville where they get something to eat and a bus ride back to Ottawa.  I will be at the finish line making sure that the riders know where they have to go and answer any questions.  With my physical limitations right now that job suits me best.  As a volunteer I can raise money as well.  The only thing is their website links are not set up to search for volunteers so you have know my URL to get to my page.  I have inserted the URL below if anybody would like to donate to cancer research in Ottawa.  You can put it on VISA or PAYPAL and it emails you one email with a confirmation and a second email with your tax receipt attached.  It goes to a good cause and it is a tax deduction too.  The ride is on Sept. 8th which should be a good week for me so I should be ok.  Thanks in advance to anyone who decides to make a donation.
This is the URL.  Just copy it and put it in your browser and follow the instructions.

Thanks again.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Off to Port Elmsley to go to the Drive in.
Apt today went ok...
got drugs to sleep better
got referral for eating disorder/pain
got referral for hot flashes
got referral for follow up with actual surgeon
got referral to book apt with radiation dude
got referral for pic instead of port... less invasive

Essentially I sit and wait for the phone to ring to book an apt to see someone who might be able to take care of some of my problems.

Oh yeah for the no feeling in fingers and toes - lowering the dose of one of the two chemos that I get for the last 3 times.

No real solutions today so off to the drive in and stay over night in Smith Falls for a break.

Have a nice weekend all.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Not much sleep last night either.  Went swimming with Martha and Tara at their house and then tonight golfed 9 holes.  The first two were awful but the rest were like old times  It was the first time I golfed since the surgery and just the third time this year.  Hopefully I will be able to sleep tonight.  I want to be able to comprehend whatever the doctor says tomorrow.  Jim is going with me so hopefully between the two of us we will remember what she says.  I have a long list of questions written down so I just have to remember to bring the paper.   Have a nice weekend all.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Home again and you would think that I would be able to sleep now that I am home.... yeah right.  Just waiting for the Benadryl to kick in.  At least I can take it at home and sleep the day away when it finally kicks in.  Can't even go for a walk outside since it is raining.  At least I don't have to try to get up to go to work tomorrow when the drugs finally kick in.  Hope everyone is having a nice  night.  It is 5 a.m. now.  Jim will be getting up soon to go to work since he is in Ottawa working today and I haven't even gone to sleep yet.  Oh well Sparky keeps me company....  Later

Sunday, August 12, 2012

At the Sand Banks taking a break in the shade.

Nice deep sand - great therapy

Great time at the Sand Banks - Mom had a great spot in the shade.  Gary and I had a great walk.  My feet feel better.  Still limited feeling but better than they were.

Friday, August 10, 2012

OK day today.  Spent lots of time with the massager.  I can even get it to work on my thighs which helps.  Off to take mom to her family picnic tomorrow.  Will be staying at my brother's to go to walk the sand banks on Sunday.  Will be back Tues night.  Have a nice weekend all in the rain.  We need it for sure.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Pedicure felt great.  Mom brought up a good point today: with all of the rain that we are getting and forecasting, some of my aches and pains are probably my good old arthritis kicking in... just blame everything on the chemo...  Got a new foot massager tonight.    Dr Scholls Artic Heat.  No water required and will do both heat or cold.  It has great reviews and so far feels great.  Sparky hates the noise but too bad, he will have to get used to it.
Tricked it last night.  Took the pain killers before I went to bed and didn't go to bed until after the time the pain usually wakes me up.  It worked for the pain.  Now to get the feeling back.  Taking mom to get her hair done today so I am getting a pedicure at the same time which hopefully will help get the feeling back a little.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Another bad night last night.  Thank goodness for Tylenol.  Lets hope it ends today... 3 days is enough already.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Pain is here.  Came last night around 11 so out came the drugs.  Stayed up most of the night reading and resting.  Took my drugs on time this round so no nausea so far.  Lots of olympics still to watch to keep me entertained when I am awake.  Hopefully this will only last the regular 24 hours.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Went to the annual pig roast today that we always go to.  Nice to see people even if we only see them once a year.  Most of them are farmers so loved the rain that we got today.  They have a gym at their house so we  just had the meal in there and kept going back and forth outside in between rain showers.  I surprised a lot of people who didn't know about me yet but my hair gave me away...even though they thought that it was real since they know I change a lot and hadn't seen me in a year.  We played along for awhile but then finally told them what was going on.   Got to have fun right... nice to know that they thought that it was my real hair though.  Off to rest for tomorrow to get ready for yucky Tues..  Hope all are having a nice weekend.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Awesome seats that we got to watch the show at the Highland Games in Maxville

Mass Bands were great.  Nice to see about a thousand people playing the same song.

Weird guy dressed as a flag of Scotland.

Without knowing it we both wore our dresses that we bought in Bancroft so we looked like the bobsey twins.  It was a great day.  It reminded us of our drum corps days.  Now we just have to find some drum corp competitions to go and see.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Relaxing waiting for the needle!

Needle in setting the times and speed for the saline first step.

Relaxing with my book and coffee waiting for the benadryl bag next which puts me to sleep.

This is what it is like when I get my chemo.  It is just a regular ward hospital room with four beds  and two lazyboy type chairs.  Read the next post to get info on how the day went.
5 of this weeks hats and 3 from last week all went today with the new group of ladies I was with today.  It was fun to watch them try them on and have fun while the chemo was dripping into our arms.  It is nice to see our work being appreciated.  Of all of the other hats from the previous two pictures, there were only 4 left that I could find that were ours.  They go fast so I am glad that I can make them fast.
Oh yeah... my chemo went well today... Half way done YEAH!!!!.  Got it in the right hand this time since the two veins in my left hand that we used are no good any more.  Today she gave me saline the whole time even when the chemo was going in to dilute it so that it doesn't burn that vein.  It is a good big one on the side so hopefully we will be able to use it again.  If it doesn't hurt by the time I see the doctor on the 17th then I won't have to get one of those things directly into my heart.... if it burns eventually then I am stuck with that for the last three.  I have been avoiding it so that I can swim but by the 24th maybe it will be too cold out to swim any way... not likely but we just play it by ear.  Now off to relax since that benadryl sure does a number on me.  Take care all.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thanks to my sister's help I have lots of hats to donate again tomorrow.  Seven of them are preemie hats.  My chemo treatments are on the maternity ward so we can drop them off for them as well.  I made two others that we are keeping so it was a good three week's worth of work including the yoga bag that I made as well.  The sun hats at the back were fun to make.  I hope someone likes them.  The orange one is funky!  Off to rest up some more for tomorrow.  Cold is still doing well so maybe I will take more drugs too.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Some say Osprey and some say American Bald Eagle for the birds that we saw.  Who cares... beautiful majestic birds whatever they were.
Got my blood work done today.... just a little paper work problem but the needle was a breeze.  Went to the lab in the building beside the Riverside hospital.  Once they could read the requisition... the mechanics were a breeze.  Had to go to the doctors office to get the req straitened out so found out there that I can take whatever I want for this stupid cold that I am developing and it will not stop the chemo on Friday which was in the back of my mind.  All good again.  Taking the drugs to wipe out the cold now so time to go nappy.  Good night all