Sunday, September 14, 2014

Last weekend at the pool a vulture came to visit to have a drink.  I got up to go for a swim after he was gone and turned around and saw a bunch of deer on the golf course.  Interesting.... then Tues night went nordic walking on different trails near where I went roller blading ... nordic walking allowed me to go on the gravel nature trails that are just beautiful... at the parking lot there is a great fountain... apparently they have them at all of the dog parks... tall fountain for adults and low one for middle one for kids on this one but near the washrooms the kids get one.  Playing catchup with the blog so doing all of these pictures in one.  I couldn't make the pictures big enough to really see the deer and vulture well but you can click on them and zoom in to see them. Later today I will do the walk to the apt... missing some pictures on the way in so will get them on todays walk and update tonight... Nice to have internet in apt finally... my phone just wasn't fast enough...or I wasn't patient enough for it to upload...
Four deer grazing in the shade in the golf course behind the pool

Deer moved to Fairway

Golfers made it to the green so the deer took over the fairway

Vulture spreading wings about to fly away

Vulture landing about to take a drink

Vulture up on fence checking us out

Vulture taking a drink from the pool

this is the fountain that has the low ones for dogs

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