Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Back to being normal.  Made a scarf like the wool was supposed to be used for.
Down to single digits.  Only 9 more rad sessions left.

So I have officially lost it.  I call it the coat/shrug of many colours.  I saw the idea of making a shrug with sleeves at a craft show so I decided to make one and it just evolved from there.  It was fun making it and it is very warm even if it looks a little crazy.  Look close and you can see a little of my hair is coming back.  Some of them are black but mostly white hair.... oh well.

Monday, November 26, 2012

I am telling you....push push push if you have something wrong and you are waiting for a faxed request to give you an apt for a test.  I called again today and insisted on a number for where the fax went to for my CT  Scan.  After two calls she gave it to me.  I then called the number and got a person....wow.  He said we are booking in mid December would you like me to book it for you now?!?!?  Do you think?   No I just called to say hello....  Any way I bit my tongue and was nice.  I booked it for the 14th of Dec.  My Radiation will be done by then so no conflicts.  It is a two hour test.... one and a half hours drinking crap and then they give me an IV of the same stuff to go into me while I am in the Scan.  I told him that they might have problems with the IV since I do not have the picc any more....  X your fingers for me.  The scan is at the Civic where I got my picc in the first place...go figure.  Maybe by then I will have a vein again that they can use... I sure do not want it in my ankles.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Seven of these I made for the kids at CHEO.  They will be delivered  for me tomorrow.  The other one Mom made for me.

Mom made the brown hat to match my cowl for the bonspiel in case I got too hot  to wear my wig.  The red one I  made to match my new coat.  The  hair band I made out of very fancy wool that I was given.

Still have the cough but the sniffles are gone.  I got to sleep in this morning which helped the drugs do their work.  I get to sleep in tomorrow also since my appointment is in the afternoon again.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Still trying to beat this stupid cold.  Not fun.  I miss my swing.  At least when I was out of it in the summer, I got to lay outside.  Laying in bed is not the same thing.  Sooner or later the medicine should knock it.  I guess with my low immune system it takes a little longer since I am not helping the meds much.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Took lots of cold medicine all last night and slept finally until noon.  Throat still soar but I am not coughing as much any more.  Hopefully another nights sleep will make it better.  I am going to sleep in the bed and not in the living room so hopefully that will help like it did last night.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

9 down 16 to go.  Had fun in the bonspiel today.  We won the B side.  Now to rest and get rid of this cold.  Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

8 done 17 to go.  Had an awful game tonight but at least I was out and about.  Now I have a sore throat and the sniffles so took some  meds for that tonight.  Hopefully that will be all I need to get rid of that one.  I am still waiting for the CT scan apt.  If I don't hear by noon tomorrow I am going to call someone... just not sure who...  Night Night

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

7 down and 18 to go.  Got a call from GP's office today with the results of ultrasound from yesterday.... last summer that took over two months.  They did not find gall stones so not sure what is causing the pain... I guess I am a big faker....  What they did find is a cyst down to the left side.  They compared my pictures to the ultra sound that I had right before the surgery in May and the Cyst was not there.  I am now going for a CT scan sometime to figure out what is causing the Cyst.  Keep your fingers crossed that there is not another tumor causing it.  It didn't seem to be growing on anything that could be seen so it is a mystery.  She could see it from the top ultrasound but when she switched to the internal ultra sound it did not appear.  The CT scan is supposed to be able to see down there better apparently.  The ultra sound was good to see that there isn't anything visibly wrong with my gall bladder even though I have all of the symptoms for it.  The hospital is supposed to call with the CT apt.  I hope it is around the time of the Rad treatment for the day so that I do not have to go in to town twice.   It just keeps getting better and better.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

6 down and 19 to go.  The end cannot come soon enough.  Side effects were supposed to start after 3  weeks.  They started on Sunday.   There are too many to mention and too gross to talk about.  Cancelled my laugh yoga and went to bed instead.  Had my ultrasound this morning which didn't prove anything so she said... just illiminated some things that could be causing the pain.  On to the next test I guess.  Kinda reminds me of the lead up January's operation.  At least she couldn't see any gall stones ... but then what is causing the pain.   Lots of other pains to join it though now to keep it company.  Oh well 4 more weeks and then maybe I will heal again.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Had a good weekend.  Getting used to having a cook again in the house.  No Rad treatment tomorrow - just  curling in the afternoon.  Jim surprised his mom today at brunch when we showed up for her birthday.  She thought that he was still in the US.  Good night.

Friday, November 9, 2012

5 down and 20 to go.  I am getting to know the system and have figured out a faster route to drive there.  Side affects are still tolerable but they are definitely accumulating.
My fitness class yesterday was great.  It was like I had my own personal trainer.  Got to figure out all of the do's and don't's for now which is what I was after.  I hope that I can fit more sessions into my schedule.  I think I made the others depressed based on their comments but I need to do what I can do to get better.  My core is definitely not where it was before the surgery so we did work on it as well as weights for arms and legs.  My cardio is fine with the rest that I am doing so she concentrated on the rest.  Have a nice long weekend all.
Oh yeah... Jim is on his way home... he left at 7:30 this morning so should be home soon.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Guy looks pretty small next to that huge tree he is cutting .  No snow in this picture.

Lots of snow in this picture so I guess it is hit and miss around Milford today.

Jim is still in Connecticut.  Now they have to deal with the snow as well.  The storm on Wed.  caused more outages so they will be there until Fri at least.  After that they may go to New Jersey, New York or up to Sudbury where he is supposed to be right now any way.
Rad treatments are going ok.  4 down and 21 to go.  The one on Mon is cancelled because of the Stat holiday so it gets tacked onto the end.  Going to my first fitness class at Maplesoft this afternoon and then off to curl.  Stay warm all.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

2 down 23 more to go.  Very efficient now that they have the set up down pat.  My apt was for 4:25  ... got there early because I had a phone interview with Maplesoft at 3:15, so that I can attend their fitness, yoga, laugh yoga and Chemo Brain therapy sessions.  Passed the interview then walked in very warm clothes to the hospital.  Checked the schedule and my room #7 had the description down... I went to the desk to see what that meant and they said that I would go to 6 this time instead.  #6 had 50 minute behind schedule which made sense since they were covering both.  I got scared since I was full of water for my regular time.  Sat in the waiting room for awhile and I was called early.  I was out of the room by 4:17 - ahead of schedule.  While I was sitting in the waiting room I met a couple from Oakville.  They both have cancer and their daughter works at the cancer center here so they are up here for their treatments.  They are both getting Chemo and Radiation at the same time... So as they say... I am ok just look around and there are lots a lot worse off.  They were very pleasant and taking it all in stride.  Just amazing.  Just registered for a fitness class and a laughing yoga class at Maplesoft.  That is where I went in the Nordic walk.  Take care all.

Monday, November 5, 2012

1 down 24 to go.  I lay on the table for about 20 minutes for them to get it lined up just right and then they run the radiation under me  for 2 minutes then it moves to the side and the radiation runs on the side for 2 minutes, then it moves to the top of me and runs for 2 minutes and then it moves to the other side of me and runs for the last 2 minutes.  They then marked up in ink new marks that I am supposed to not try to wash off since the tattoos were off a little.  So much for getting useless tattoos.  Every one of my appointments can change the time from day to day.  I got my schedule last Thurs for this week.... today they gave me my times for this week and 3 of them had changed.  Each day before I leave I have to check to see when to come back the next day.  I guess I write of planning anything for the next month.  Each Wed I see my radiologist on top of the treatment so that is in the afternoon so if my treatment is in the morning I have to go there twice.
I have to find my winter coat before I go tomorrow.  That walk up Lynda Lane is freezing in this weather.
Another picture from Jim's Boss.  Looks a lot calmer down there now.
Maybe this picture helps you to understand what this thing is that I made.  Off to the hospital now....
Finished my latest project.  It is like a scarf/collar.  It is called a Figure Eight Cowl.  It was a pretty complicated pattern which is why I did it.  I am trying to get my mind working.  It is a bunch of crocheted figure eights sewed together and then a fringe crocheted all around.  Just waiting now for the last brownie batch to finish so then I can go and do some shopping for mom, deliver a new hat that mom made and then get drinking in time for radiation then curling.  Have a good day all.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Just woke up from a 6 hour nap.  Went to mom's this morning and was very tired when I got home.  Didn''t sleep much last night nor the night before.  I am sure tomorrow will be ok but obviously my mind is going over all of the alternatives and keeps me awake.  I will report in tomorrow night with an A OK I am sure.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Found another picture from Jim's Boss's site.  No wonder they are out of power in most places.  If it is back on I sure hope it is off when they take those trees out of there.
Xmas craft sales have started.  I go and get more ideas of what to do.  Got a bench for the front door.  Went to the women's show.  200 booths there but nothing I was really interested in.  There was an Isagenix booth so got some of my questions answered.  Now lots of laundry to do.  Have a nice weekend all.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Whipped up another hat tonight when I came back from Brockville.  One of Margaret's staff's mother just got diagnosed with cancer so I made it for her.
Had a good time in Brockville today visiting with Jeannie and her dad.  It was a little rainy but not too bad of a drive.  Off to craft sales tomorrow.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Well I can see that Jim is ok.  He is the one right on the bottom of the picture.  Glad to see he is making use of the new vests that he got just before he left...plus it is the only way I can tell that it is him.  I am glad he is not the one in the bucket.  That is way too close to the lines for my liking.

I stole these pictures off of Jim's boss's facebook.  Looks like they are working hard but I see sunshine which is a good thing.
Curled 3 games today.  Got my times for radiation next week but no times for the ultrasound for the gall bladder yet.  The times are all over the place so I have to get something to write them down on that I can take with me... I think my calendar on my phone is linked to the internet which isn't good... too expensive.
Off to Brockville tomorrow to see Jeannie.  Good night all.