Sunday, July 12, 2015

Beach on Saturday and exploring Mission Pkwy/Mission San Juan on Sunday

Went to the beach and saw fields and fields covered in red with this plant.  Today saw lots of it around the house as well.  Jim looked it up and found out that it is grain sorghum.  Kinda the Texas equivalent of cow corn.  Guess we know now what they feed all that Texas beef.
One of the 5 missions left of the 7 around San Antonio.  We were exploring the Mission Parkway where you can bike, blade, kayak and walk etc.  We explored this mission in one of the parks on the way.  We will have to go back and  visit the other four.  It said that the missions helped to teach the spanish settlers how to survive

This is the church.  There was a building on the right side that we were not allowed in.  It said that it was a personal residence so we think the priest lives in it.  We were allowed to go in the church.  I didn't take any pictures inside since there were people in the pews praying.  It was beautiful inside.  Amazing since it was built in the 1700's.  We thought we would be going into a shell

this huge cross was at the entance surrounded by cactus

This is one of the buildings where they used to make their rugs and clothes in it.

Jim walking by the run down walls and remains of some of the other buildings

outside the fence looking into the mission

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