Saturday, February 23, 2013

Made 4 more scarves Friday ... just sitting around watching curling on TV with mom.  None of them were for the orders though.  One lady said she might want a purple one so I am knitting all of the ones that have purple in them to take on Monday.  Two of the orders are for Wed night and two for Thursday so they can be done later.  Can't sleep so I may as well knit.  Jim has a bad cold so guess what I am coming down with.... He has to work with it though....

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Made 5 more scarves plus the 35 was 40... now only have 21 left and have orders for 4 of them.  Last week I sold 20 also.  Thank goodness gave out 6  balls to people at the club who are helping me knit them since I have to have inventory for the bonspiel next Saturday.  I hope to knit at least 4 per day if not more so that it looks like I have something to sell.  They sell better when they see them.... I took in balls of wool to the club so got orders for ones that I didn't have done but the ones made up sell better.  It is for a good cause so that hopefully the next time I have to go through cancer treatment they will only kill the cancer cells not my healthy ones that I am trying to recup from.  Back to knitting.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

35 scarves here and 4 at the club to be delivered.  Lots of different colours now and different types of material.  Taking them to the curling club tonight and tomorrow.  Have been knitting lots since I do not feel like getting out of this chair and doing much else.
Doctor yesterday called my surgeon and they both say that they do not know what is wrong with me even looking at the test results.  The Radiologist was going to call my GP to give some suggestions of what to do next.  He sent me for more blood work.  I guess it is back to my GP to figure it out.  They all still think it is my gall bladder which the test results do not agree with.  I just hope that it is not another cancer which they don't think that it is.  It is a waiting game again.... ultrasound in March may show something.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Our skip on Tuesday gave us each a plant after our last game together.  It is really nice.  I used to have one like it in my apartment and it grew big... lost it in the ice storm.

Went skating today in between curling games to get this picture.  I am collecting  pictures of me doing outdoor activities.
The Ride the Rideau has put a blurb on their website and their facebook page announcing that I made the $1500.00 by selling scarves and yoga mat bags.  They interviewed me and are now submitting my story to the Ottawa Outdoor Magazine.  I will keep you informed when it is published.
This morning at curling Jean asked for a black and white scarf.  I have more than one type of black scarf so I went to the car to get my bag of stock that I carry around.  I laid them out on the table and she bought one... others came by... took orders for 4 pink ones for a team for the breast cancer bonspiel and an order for a brown one and a black and white one.  I then sold 9 more out of my inventory.  Now I am off to key them into the website so my total will rise....

Monday, February 11, 2013

ok where is the Mack truck that ran me over.  I feel the same today as I would during a bad day after chemo.  I feel like a wet noodle.  I thought that that was supposed to be during Radiation not two months after.  Maybe I picked up something at one of the clubs on Fri or Sat.  I felt weird yesterday so stayed in and made 6 scarves.  Looks like another scarf making day today.  EOS in shop getting fixed so I will just have to fix myself at home at the same time.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

We went four for four in the Crystal Heart Bonspiel... four losses that is.  We raised money for Heart and Stroke and I got out of the house.  I even sold a scarf there so it is all good.  Now to rest up.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

No dentist work for me today.  I showed them my blood test results and they wouldn't even clean my teeth.  My white cell count which is the immune one is too low.  They said that they could pre med me with an antibiotic but they didn't want to put me through any more pain for no reason.  After I get my next blood work done then I am to call them again.  I did sell a scarf though so it wasn't a total loss of an afternoon.
I got my draw weight back this morning in the game I played so it was an ok day.  Took Sparky for a walk when I got home from the dentist but didn't put his boots on him so we didn't go far.  His paws froze so we had to come back.  He tries to lift them up but can't lift them all at the same time.  It is getting cold again so that may be his last walk until the weekend.  Back to knitting.... oh yeah... this site has now had over 5000 hits.
Finished off another one of mom's yoga mat bags  She has enough wool left to make another chemo hat which will be pretty.

Finished off two more scarves last night.  Sold another one too.

I go to the dentist today so wish me luck.  I haven't been able to go since I started treatment.  Chemo treatment has a blood thinner as part of it with the steriods that I had so I should be ok but I am bringing my bloodwork for them to look at before they try to clean my teeth.    I picked up the results of my bloodwork yesterday so I have them today and for the 19th apt at the radiologist.  My red and white and Hemoglobin are all still too low.  The counts that are not flagged as low are at the bottom of the ok scale.  The white one is the lowest which is my immune system so no swimming or public interaction if  I can help it.  I also had another count that was too high....   All the counts for my liver though were in the bottom of their range so they are not showing any liver damage blood wise so the damage in the CT scan is not showing up in my blood which is a good thing.  Have to wait to see what the radiologist says about this test.  All of the damage is from the chemo treatment and surgery.
Taking my knitting into the dental office.  Joan sold quite a few at her dentist apt so we will see if I get the same results.

Monday, February 4, 2013

These are the ones that I have done since Fri noon.  Not too bad considering everything else that I did over the weekend.... driving Mom to Deb's for the day and going to Winterlude.  Lots of variety in the new wool both in colours and lengths and materials.  I hope that people like them.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Winterlude Ice sculptures... spectacular as usual

Jim and I went out to dinner and then walked around the sculptures.  It was too cold to skate and Jim needs the rest on his days off.  Maybe I will try out the canal tomorrow if it is a little warmer and I finally get some sleep.

Friday, February 1, 2013

I made my first scarf lengthwise.  The pattern said to do 100 stitches.... I did that and it ended up too short 2 hours later... I then ripped it all out and did it 200 stitches.  Then I didn't know when to stop to still have enough to cast off  I had left over wool so made a little kid scarf to match it.  The little one is 3 wide but every other hole.  It definitely made me think all day.  It has been a rough week.  Hopefully tonight goes better and I can get some sleep.  Good night.
The lady from the Pedicure Stop asked for brighter colours to display.  I made four and took them in on Wednesday and made these three to take in tomorrow.  I am looking forward to my manicure and pedicure tomorrow/later today.  It was a gift from the A/R girls that I work with.  My feet are really sore so hopefully she can fix them.
Had a good fitness class today, then one good curling game and then one awful game.  Oh well next week hopefully my games will be  better.  Really though I was on the winning team 4 out of 6 games this week, so I guess that is ok.
Haven't slept well all week... guess I had better go try to sleep now....