Thursday, July 12, 2012

More hats to donate tomorrow when I go for Chemo.  My Sister from Vancouver sewed a bunch to bring here and helped me crochet more at the cottage.  I kept some of hers.  They are a lot cooler than the crocheted ones for this hot weather.  I have lost the majority of my hair now.  It is somewhere in Paudash Lake.  I hope the fish like my hair.  Had an awesome nurse take my blood on Wed to test it to make sure I am ok to take the chemo tomorrow.  She got the vein the first poke and I do not even have a bruise.  Maybe I should get all of my blood work done in Bancroft.  I am all relaxed now from the cottage so I am sure all will go well tomorrow at my chemo session.  I will check back in tomorrow night.

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