Monday, July 30, 2012

Kayaking.... eating with friends....relaxing in hot tub letting the jets sooth my achy bones....priceless
Had a great ride to see my sister's new house/hole in the ground that they are building.  Resting up now to go kayaking tonight.  Have a great day all.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Survey says that they were American bald eagles in the nest.  Going for a ride in the convertible today... less work than kayaking but just as enjoyable.  Have a good day all.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Not sure what these birds are but they looked real cool.  Had a great time kayaking today.  All was good except my embarrassing spill.... I got out of the kayak with no problem with my two friends helping me at Kelly's for lunch but then I promptly walked around one of them right off the side of the dock into the water. Not a nice place to go for a swim especially with all of your clothes on and your wig.  Thank goodness they have plastic seats there so I could still eat at the restaurant with wet clothes on.  It cooled me off too.  We were on the water two hours there and two hours back.  Hope everyone is enjoying the nice weekend.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Took a break from making chemo hats and finished the yoga mat carrier that my sister started for me.  Took a break yesterday from exercising also and had a nice long bath using the jets and my spa salts.  Really nice. Back to pilates and sand walking today... one week before next chemo round... lets hope I stay on schedule.  Have a nice weekend all.  I am going kayaking tomorrow... YEAH

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Went to the look good feel better session today... so this is me after a makeover.  Yeah me with makeup on is a scary thought.  We learned a lot about the dos and don't so that we do not pick up any bacteria to get an infection etc.  They gave us lots of products to take home with us so I can play with all of this stuff.  I am especially interested in learning how to draw the eyebrows in so that I can do it ok when they totally leave me.  This morning I did my pilates again and then went to the park to walk in the sand.  The sand is awesome working my feet so I have less tingly feeling in them tonight.  Heres hoping that I am doing enough to not lose feeling in them permanently.  The crocheting is working for the hands so it looks like the sand is the trick for my feet.  Here is a list of all of the products that they gave us and the company who donated them.  The list is very long but all worth mentioning:
Allied Beauty Association - night cap
Neutrogena - All in one Make up removing Cleansing Wipes
Lise Watier - Eye Shadow
MAC - Eye Shadow
L'Oreal - Mascara
Proctor and Gamble - brow pencil
Avon - Brow definer
Curel - Hand and cuticle therapy
Sally Hansen - Cuticle Massage Cream
Rexall - Eye makeup remover - oil free
Personnelle - Transparent loose powder
Elizabeth Arden - cheek colour
Clinique - moisturizing lotion
ROC - Sun lip stick moisture
Baggy filled with:   qtips sponges brushes etc.
Mary Kay - Hydrating Freshener
St. Ives - Renew Collagen Elastin
Yves Rocher - Wrinkles and Radiance cream
Vichy Lab - One Step Cleanser         
Hawaiian Tropic - sunscreen 45 SPF
Neutrogena - Daily face sunscreen - 45 SPF
ShiSeido - makeup foundation
Covergirl - Concealer
Elizabeth Grant - Skin Renewal Serum PM
MAC - lipstick
Revlon - lipstick
Covergirl - lipstick
Clarins - gloss
Estee Lauder - lip pencil, brush and refill
And last but most important for me an instruction book

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Legs sore today so did my 20 minute pilates work out which is all core no legs.  Much better than the fitness class pain wise.  Gonna get rid of that swelly belly some how.  Now going to the park to walk in the sand to exercise my feet.  The tingling feeling is there so hopefully the walking in the sand will help try to get the circulation going down there.  Other than that, all is well.

Monday, July 23, 2012

I went to Gentle Yoga and Gentle Fitness today.  It all went well.  The fitness instructor has been a nurse for 17 years so I was in good hands.  The Yoga was very relaxing.  The balancing was difficult because of the pain in my legs and feet but the rest was great.  The fitness class was like a core class which is what I need to get rid of my swelly belly from the surgery.  Hopefully I will still feel good tomorrow.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Back home with all back to normal now.  No breeze off the water here but at least we have air conditioning. All good.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Lovely last day at the cottage.  Took the blow up row boat out and drifted in the current.  Very relaxing.  Time to rest up for the packing and ride home tomorrow... One more sleep here... boo hoo.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Another good day yeah.  Company coming for a visit today so lots more relaxing by the water.  Have a good day all.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Good day today... only had to take one set of drugs.  Rest of the pain is tolerable.  Nice breeze off the water so nice to sit by the lake and relax and enjoy the company.  All good.  It is a little cooler today too since it rained last night and got rid of some of the humidity.  Just a few more days left to enjoy this relaxation environment.  Hope all are keeping cool in the city.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Not a good day.  Very hot and muggy.  Very sore and nauseaus.  Tried to go without drugs ... not a good thing.  Back to drugs and my special soup for sick days.  Night night...

Monday, July 16, 2012

We now have internet at the cottage.  So far so good.  No pain so far like I had last time I had chemo.  I am getting the tingling sensation but not the pain.  All four of us are here for mom's birthday tomorrow.  We rented a boat to take her out on the lake today but had to cut it short when it started pouring rain.  It was still nice to be out on the water for a couple of hours.  All good for now.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Kids just left for the Hope Volleyball Tournament.  They took our little tent for shade so they should be good to go.  Now I just have to pack and head out to the cottage for some rest.  Last night went well.  No nausea so if you take your meds as prescribed it works.  Ate this morning and took two more of the anti nausea drugs so should be able to make the trip with no problems.  Finished another hat yesterday which I couldn't do the day of the treatment last time because my hand was too sore.  Having the needle on the side is awesome.  Just a little pain in the night when I lied on it but then I smartened up and it was fine.  Will be back from the cottage next Sat.  Talk to you then.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Finally figured out where to set the time zone - it is set to Eastern Time Zone now.  I really am not always posting in the middle of the that I can take Benedryl that knocks me out.
Second chemo over and done with.  Needle went in the side of my wrist this time and hasn't hurt much so far.  When it does it hurts around my elbow on the inside which is kinda weird.  It went in at 7:30 and out at 10 to 12.  Only slept about an hour this time.  5 of the batch of hats from last week were gone already so I piled on the new ones.  It was all uneventful.  No pain or sickness.  Will try to get out to the cottage tomorrow morning when it is cooler to drive but staying in the Air Conditioning today.  Won't be taking Sparky back out since it is too hot in the truck for him to last.   Time now to relax to build up my resistence to the pain that I know will be coming on Monday.  Have a nice weekend all.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

More hats to donate tomorrow when I go for Chemo.  My Sister from Vancouver sewed a bunch to bring here and helped me crochet more at the cottage.  I kept some of hers.  They are a lot cooler than the crocheted ones for this hot weather.  I have lost the majority of my hair now.  It is somewhere in Paudash Lake.  I hope the fish like my hair.  Had an awesome nurse take my blood on Wed to test it to make sure I am ok to take the chemo tomorrow.  She got the vein the first poke and I do not even have a bruise.  Maybe I should get all of my blood work done in Bancroft.  I am all relaxed now from the cottage so I am sure all will go well tomorrow at my chemo session.  I will check back in tomorrow night.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

My sister from Vancouver arrived safely yesterday. Mom came over for a sleepover too. All went to Kelly,s for supper. So relaxing by the water but very hot at 34 degrees. Got the truck all packed so ready to go when they all wake up. Off to the cottage to relax by the water to build up my blood so that I can have my second round of chemo on Friday. No internet at the cottage so will check back in after chemo.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Had an apt at the hospital today so took in the chemo hats that we had finished so far.  Mom did four and I did eleven.  Not bad since I was having trouble with my hand from the IV the first few days.  We will see how many are left next week when I go back for chemo.  Two more sleeps and off to the cottage.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Three more sleeps until we go to the cottage.  Lots of resting, swimming  and making chemo hats.  All good.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Just vegged out all day on Monday.  Enjoyed another fine day of my hubby doing the cooking for me.  Played the game that I bought for the cottage.  It is like horse shoes but with washers that you throw into a box.  They are a lot lighter for me to throw so I could do it.  Did lots of laundry and made another hat.  Calm day to relax.  Today I took mom's advice and just hung the sheets on the line for the cottage.  I washed them when we came home last year so they just have to air out.  Found the pump for the water bottles so we are close to ready to go.  Five more sleeps and we will be on our way to the cottage.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Ok so the stuff I wrote this morning I did on Sat.  Today I delivered mom's laundry and then we went for a drive along the water to Kemptville to pick up a new game to take to the cottage.  Mom then took me out to Kelly's for lunch while the boys golfed in the annual Canada Day golf tournament.  I then relaxed on the famous swing bed and waited for the boys to come and take me to the party after ward.   Just sat around and talked with a lot of friends and watched the fire works go off around the neighbourhood.  All in all a great Canada Day.  Hope everyone had a good celebration.  Time for bed now.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Kayaked for an hour or so.  Went in opposite Osgoode at the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority Park.  Very nice.  Saw lots of baby ducks and lots of beautiful homes and cottages.  Kellys was awesome as usual after ward.  Came home and hung out on the swing to relax.  Went for a short swim next door which was nice because it was so hot.  Then when the rain came just relaxed, made a couple of hats and watched Olympic trials.  Have a nice Canada Day everyone.