Sunday, August 21, 2016

Lots and Lots of Rain this week.

Louisiana had lots of flooding so we were lucky with just lots of Rain.  There was some damage around but it could have been worse.  You can see the latest picture of the pool they are building in our subdivision.  They haven't put the cement bottom in it yet but the rain filled it.  Now they are going to have to wait for it to sink into the ground or suck it out.  Another delay. Maybe I will get to swim in it some day.  You can see another picture here of the bridge on the first hole of one of Jim's golf courses that he goes to.  It just washed into the crevice.  The other picture is the building from the club house at the pool. It has a window in it now but don't see much more progress.  Didn't walk over too it since it was too muddy.
I joined Gold Gym this week. The one near here has a pool so I swam laps three mornings, two aqua fitness classes, one Zumba class and one core class.  Just started Wednesday so not too bad for my first week.  It is the one I was afraid to go to because of all the homeless people there but so far so good.  It is on the way to work so that works.  There are two near the office too so I can go for lunch or after work to those as well.  One of the ones near the office is the same level so I am a member at it as well - the other one is a higher level so would have to pay extra so am keeping with the lower one for now.  Whataburger funds it for us so it is a payroll deduction for $5 a week so it works.  I was paying $4 a night at the other pool I was going to so this works much better.

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