Saturday, August 27, 2016

Update on oranges - green ones are awesome

Just tried a little green one and it was awesome - very sweet.  Lots of fruit to eat now.  Tastes good since I just came home from the gym so needed food and liquids.

Friendly Wasps in Texas

Got the big fake wasp nest at the dollar store in Canada when I was home to put up in Texas since we get lots of wasp nests.  They are supposed to not like building a nest near another one.  Well here they couldn't have got much closer to the other one.  As Deb says, our wasps are friendly down here.

Fri night highschool football game again

Went to a football game again for something to do.  The team from our neighbourhood won so it was fun.  Whataburger sponsored the fourth quarter so cheerleaders threw lots of whataburger footballs, frisbees and sunglasses into the stands and their name was on the big screen and a banner on the end field fence.  Lots of fun for just $7... expensive to have to pay for high school football but they have to pay for all these facilities some how
Half Time Show by the school bands
Cardinals come out of the big bird
Other team was the Minute Men

Ate first orange off of our tree

It was good for the most part - part was starting to dry out so they were right, when they start to turn orange then pick them.  Only one seed. I cut a whole in the top and the rest was easy to peel.  I am going to enjoy the couple of dozen that we have.  Maybe there will be more next year.  I show pictures of the same orange in my hand - just different sides of it.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Hats, Hats and more Hats for Chemo patients

The hats on the right are the ones that I took to the General Hospital Cancer Clinic at the beginning of August when I was home.  The ones on the left are the ones that I have made since I cam back here.  I have ran out of wool that people donated to me so am now ripping out old sweaters that I do not wear any more and am making hats out of them.  The orange green and gold was a sweater that I had made for James which he out grew and then I was wearing it a little bit but not lately so washed it up and ripped it out and made hats out of the yarn.  Jim helps ripping them out.  The lime green was a poncho that I made and never wore.  I actually gave them to Margaret to donate to the refugees.  I made four scarves to match them when I was in Canada so hopefully they will enjoy them this winter.  That wool was too heavy for chemo patients.

Large Spider

Jim found a large spider and was able to measure it - everything is bigger in Texas they say.

Lots and Lots of Rain this week.

Louisiana had lots of flooding so we were lucky with just lots of Rain.  There was some damage around but it could have been worse.  You can see the latest picture of the pool they are building in our subdivision.  They haven't put the cement bottom in it yet but the rain filled it.  Now they are going to have to wait for it to sink into the ground or suck it out.  Another delay. Maybe I will get to swim in it some day.  You can see another picture here of the bridge on the first hole of one of Jim's golf courses that he goes to.  It just washed into the crevice.  The other picture is the building from the club house at the pool. It has a window in it now but don't see much more progress.  Didn't walk over too it since it was too muddy.
I joined Gold Gym this week. The one near here has a pool so I swam laps three mornings, two aqua fitness classes, one Zumba class and one core class.  Just started Wednesday so not too bad for my first week.  It is the one I was afraid to go to because of all the homeless people there but so far so good.  It is on the way to work so that works.  There are two near the office too so I can go for lunch or after work to those as well.  One of the ones near the office is the same level so I am a member at it as well - the other one is a higher level so would have to pay extra so am keeping with the lower one for now.  Whataburger funds it for us so it is a payroll deduction for $5 a week so it works.  I was paying $4 a night at the other pool I was going to so this works much better.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Pool coming along finally

View from the front of club house up the hill - those houses on the right are two doors down from our house so not too far away
Back end of the club house looking from the Baby Pool
Baby pool
My pool - I guess I will let the rest of the neighbourhood in too.  Right end about 5 feet deep and Left end about 3 - half circle in front of Jim is steps going in... rather nice I'd say if they would ever finish it.  It was supposed to be done in July
Front of the club house - has washrooms, showers, Kitchen and Meeting room.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Trip home

Went home to  have an ultrasound and see my doctor.   Got to kayak with friends at night an went down to see Mom a couple of times.  I have to go back for more tests in September.  Hopefully they will finally figure out why I am in pain after eating.
Beautiful night on the water.  This is Judy in her new canoe.
Judy in her canoe and Ruth in her kayak and my paddle. We went from Manotick to Kellys for supper after work and then this was our beautiful trip back up to Manotick watching the sun set.
I wasn't at mom's birthday so wasn't in picture above and Joan wasn't there this time in pictures below so now Gary is going to try and combine the two pictures into one.  Technology is great when you figure it out.

The bedspread made it home.  It took its own suitcase.  James said he liked it since it is very heavy.
On to the next project whatever it will be