Sunday, September 8, 2013

Ruth and Jennifer in their canoe next to the swans.  The bridge in the background is Bank St. at Billings Bridge.

Nice way to relax after the ride yesterday.  We went in at Billings Bridge since it is more sheltered there so we would be out of the wind and cold.
I still do not have any pictures from the ride.  I know that there were a lot taken of me but none of them got posted to the site.  Still waiting for the Zoomphoto ones to be posted.  I am happy with what I did for the ride.  The time that is posted on sportstats website includes the four pitstops that I took.  The washroom line ups were long so I figure I rode in under 5 hours and the rest of the time was filling up my water bottle and going to the washroom at the four stops.  Considering at the beginning of the summer I was sick to my stomach after only doing 50 km.  I have increased my endurance and stamina a lot over the summer.  The rest of my team all finished the 50 km.  One person was injured falling off her bike and scraping her leg but she was a trooper and stuck with it and finished.
It was very windy.  I stuck behind three girls for about 30 km which made it easier since I used them for drafting.  They took too long at pit stop 3 so I went on without them and found out just how much I was using them.  The rest of the race was a lot harder peddling.  My knees hurt now when I ride but my butt is better.  They raised my seat when I got my tune up and changed the angle of it.  I think I have to change the height again since my knees should not be hurting like they were.  Legs were sore at the end but I just kept thinking they did not hurt half as much as after chemo treatments last summer and at least the pain was for a good cause.  A couple of tylenol and I was good to go again.  I am looking into finding out how to get into the kayak trip for a week from Kingston to Ottawa for next summer.  It too raises money for cancer research.  Stay tuned.  But first next month is the Nordik walk for the Maplesoft centre.  Never a dull minute.

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