Thursday, May 9, 2013

Did not have any health issues from Cuba but my legs definitely got more burnt than usual. This is an indication of how dry they are now.  I put on tons of lotion but it will take awhile to get them back to normal from the knees down.

Back to making chemo hats again with the new donations of wool/ cotton that I am getting.  I have an apt with the radiologist this month so I will be taking them in to where I had my chemo on the 8th floor.

I am back to work now on a part time basis, working on building up my mind stamina.  Physically I am ok... just got to get the old brain working again.  I worked Tues morning and Thurs morning for 4 hours each.  Deleted a few thousand junk emails and tried to get up to speed on important things that I missed.  I will work Mon, Wed and Fri next week... four hours each.  It is nice having the afternoon and the next day to recuperate before I have to go back in.  Hope everyone is enjoying this summer weather we are having.

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