Monday, January 7, 2013

I finally got the bag done just in time to deliver it at Yoga class in the morning.  The client picked the colours not me but it kinda grows on you.  Took wool over to Mom tonight with a pattern to knit the bags so she is off and running making bags now instead of the chemo hats.  We will still make the chemo hats with the leftover wool.    Must get some sleep now so that I will make it to class in the morning to make the delivery then off to the Albion office to deliver some scarves and then off to curl then off to x-country ski then home for supper.  We went x-country today where they also snow shoe.  Some of the snow shoers had bird seed.  They would put it in their hands and the birds would come down and eat it right out of their hands.  Yes I am going to snow shoe there soon.  Night all

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