Monday, January 28, 2013

Went back and found another bin with different colours so I got them too.  These ones should knit up the faster way.
I am on a team in the Perky in Pink Bonspiel in Manotick on March 2nd.  I have been told I can also sell my scarves there.  I will give half of the profits to breast cancer and half to ride the rideau cancer research.  I want to get some business cards made up by then too so that I can give them out and maybe get orders.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Two of the new kinds of wool that I found knitted up.  The black and grey is 5 stitches wide and the brown one is 6.  In the store they had the black one 7 wide.  2 hours for the brown and 4 1/2 hours for the black.  I think I can  get faster with the black but it is harder to unravel as you knit.
Good Night all.
Filled another very cold day crocheting.  Got another yoga mat bag done.  This one is a little larger than the first one that I made so it will fit any size mat.  Now on to make some scarves.

Friday, January 25, 2013

This is what I have in stock besides whatever is at the Pedicure Stop

This is the variety of colours that I have to work with now.  I have 2 of most of them and sometimes 3 or 4.

Finished the dark blue yoga bag.  Now off to the next project.
Thanks to Margaret I went to Wool time to get similar type wool to use for the scarves.  They had their Warehouse sale on.  It will be awhile now before I have to spend 5 dollars on gas to save $2 on one ball of wool.  The wool that I got averages out at around the $5 mark which is what I aim for.  Now I just have to knit them and find people who want them.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Had a really good time in Toronto.  Not sure about the train ride though.   It was better than driving but I definitely get nauseous with the swaying motion.  Maybe I shouldn't have be crocheting and listening to my book at the same time.  The Wizard of Oz was really good.  I am still not sure of all of the special effects.  I like plays to be just actors no movies in the middle of it.  I got to visit Dorethy and Tony at their house.  Their house is very very nice.  Tony graciously took me on a tour of CBC TV studios.  I got to see the 'National', Hockey Night in Canada and a cooking show.  It was very interesting to see how they do things.  Got to do some people watching at the Eaton Center.  There are definitely a lot of different people out there.  I got one light blue yoga mat cover done on the trip and a second dark blue one mostly done.  The lady who sat beside me on the train home is also a uterine cancer survivor.  She bought one of my scarves.  Tonight at Curling Judy gave me three scarves to sell already made.  A friend of hers donated them to the cause.  Finally got home tonight and had a surprise when I entered the house.  Jim was off work this week due to the cold weather so he painted the laundry room.  It really looks nice.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I am off to see the Wizard.... the wonderful wizard of OZ,  Going to the show in Toronto... staying at Deb's. Will post when I get back Thurs/Fri.  Lets hope the trains are running and I do not get sick on them.  This is a nice little test for the big trip I am planning to Joan's on the train.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Tried out two more different kinds of wool.  They are very pretty.  Have to keep changing wool to be able to use the coupons to keep my costs down.  Off to bed.  I got into yoga class tomorrow morning which was full before.  Looks like someone cancelled.  I hope that they are ok.  Good night.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Helped mom finish off a yoga bag today.  This one is knitted mostly by Mom.  The wool made a really neat pattern.

This is a new kind of wool that I tried out.  It is crocheted and ends up longer than the others.  It has more solid colours to choose from.
Just resting today after helping Deb and Charlie move in to their new house.  Spent the afternoon with mom watching curling and finishing her yoga bag.  It is the first for the inventory pile.  I have some orders that I have to make to now for different colours so I had better get to work at finishing them.  Enjoy the warm weather before the cold comes.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Found a pattern to crochet the scarves for variety.  The top one is knit and the bottom one is crocheted.    The knit one is every stitch and I did the crocheted one every other stitch.  I think that it looks the same as the knit every other stitch.  Just a way to mix it up.  After you make about 75 of these I needed variety.  I got   two new types of wool on the weekend too so I will try that next.  I have caught up with the orders so am building inventory now so can make up variety.... expand the line so to speak.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Went to my first Laugh Yoga class today.  A lot of laughing for no reason.  Very weird.  Not sure if I liked it or not.  I will probably give it a second chance though.  Met a lot more survivors.  Makes me feel very lucky.  Some were over five year survivors and are still having lots of difficulties.  One lady can only eat pureed food. She hasn't had solid food in over six years.  The Maplesoft Center is really good for these survivors.  They get out and can talk to people who understand what they are going through.  Off to make more scarves.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Off to Gary and Corinne's for Sunday and Monday to go to Aunt Helen's funeral.  Will post again when I return.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Went skiing this morning before the rain.  Judy brought sunflower seeds and the birds ate it out of her hand.  It was pretty cool to watch.  The conditions were icy but I am sure after this weekend they will be much worse.  Have a good weekend all.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Another happy customer.  She absolutely loved the bag.  Guess I have to get working at building up the inventory.  The light yoga was great today.  It was really relaxing and loosened up my muscles.
I finally got the bag done just in time to deliver it at Yoga class in the morning.  The client picked the colours not me but it kinda grows on you.  Took wool over to Mom tonight with a pattern to knit the bags so she is off and running making bags now instead of the chemo hats.  We will still make the chemo hats with the leftover wool.    Must get some sleep now so that I will make it to class in the morning to make the delivery then off to the Albion office to deliver some scarves and then off to curl then off to x-country ski then home for supper.  We went x-country today where they also snow shoe.  Some of the snow shoers had bird seed.  They would put it in their hands and the birds would come down and eat it right out of their hands.  Yes I am going to snow shoe there soon.  Night all

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Remember this yoga mat bag that I crocheted back in the summer... well I took it to yoga today at the Maplesoft center which is the place that was created for activities for cancer survivors.  I wore one of my scarves in too.  They liked the scarf but loved the Yoga mat bag.  I now have orders for the bags and the instructor is going to give me names of yoga studios that will sell them for me.  More money for Ride the Rideau!!!.  I took in 10 scarves to the Pedicure Stop.  She has them on display there for me.  She was taking down her xmas decorations so now has the scarves hanging up to decorate the shop.  Had fun curling tonight.  Now off to make a scarf that I just got an order for that I need to take to the curling club tomorrow.