Saturday, September 26, 2015

High School Football

Highschool Football game at the high school closest to our home.  The other side was for the opponents fans  The full section is the other team's school band.  There were a lot there considering they were from a town an hour or two away.  Friday night football is very important down here at the high schools.  We sat on the home side where the bleachers stretched the whole 100 yards and they were pretty full.  We paid $7.00 each to get in.  A lot of the fans had football jerseys on with their kid's name and number on them.  A food stand was there selling turkey legs, nachos etc.  A fun night out

See the scoreboard at the end which Jim thinks is bigger than in CFL stadiums.  The game was shown up there all the time and replays of key plays as well as trying to make the crowd cheer etc... and it had the time and scores etc on the bottom.

Cardinals is their logo mascot.  To the left of the band from the other team was their majorette cheering girls and they had cheerleaders stretching the whole length of their bleachers.

Check out all the cameras up top with the press box of course.

Lightening came so we had to go into the gym for awhile.  Got to see the inside of the school.  Check out the bleachers.  If we had those bleachers at BCI we wouldn't have any room on the basketball floor to play.

Just Massive

This was the second gym on the other side where the other team had to go into since of course the fans were not allowed to be in the same room.  Lots of police there separating the crowds.

Back to the stands when the storm was over with no incidents.  The Police made an announcement thanking the crowd for making a safe evacuation without incident.

Half time show with their school band doing their New 2015/2016 show.  Yes this is just the end of September.  I couldn't believe it.  Just to learn the music in that length of time let alone learning all of the marching designs that they did.  Very different than the drum corp competition since they had all the band instruments... yes flutes, clarinets, slide trombones.... hate to be the guy in front of the slide trombone ...hoping not to get hit in the back.    

Jim said that he golfed with a guy who was a band director and said that the bands start practicing the first of August, 5 - 7 hours a day.  Such dedication but it shows in their performance.

Half time over so they blow up their mascots again so that they can run out of them onto the field.  CC Winn is the other team so this was their mascot

Jim and I having fun in Texas doing what Texans do

This is the Cardinal blow up mascot

And the team runs out of the Cardinal and then they deflate it again.... All that just for show.  Gotta like it.

Practicing taking a selfie... still trying to figure out how to look at the camera right.

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