Sunday, August 30, 2015

Found a home for the Needlepoint and VW Saga

It looks a little lonely on the big wall but it still looks ok I think - of course I am a little biased.  Three more neighbours moved in this weekend so the street is starting to look lived in.  Stuck around the house watering the grass and trees and Jim washed the truck.  He is driving me to work these days since the EOS died on me the other day.  I switched lanes on the freeway and stalled it and it hasn't started since.  The VW dealership still hasn't figured out what is wrong with it.  I was SOOooo scared.  Try sitting in a convertible in the middle lane in a freeway with people yelling at you going 70 MPH by you.  I kept trying to start it and didn't have the emergency brake on so rolled back into the car behind me.  Not much damage... just a pain.  The policeman had rubber push bumpers on the front of his car so pushed me over the next lane and onto the shoulder.  Not sure how much if any damage that did to my trunk... why is it every time I get hit in the back my roof is in the trunk.  I could get the roof up but didn't try the trunk.. priority is to get it started.  Tow truck came that the police called... because it was on the freeway had to be a certain one.  He said he could only take it to a body shop but I needed mechanical not body work so I had to pay him extra to take it to the dealership.  We got to the dealership and the car was nowhere to be found.  I didn't have his number or anything so I thought I had lost the car.  About 5 minutes later Jim sees him coming out of the volvo dealership next door to the VW... just one more thing to get me frazzled.  The car was just at VW last week for a new battery which had to be replaced by the dealer as well.  So much for getting a fancy car but they know us there now... had to get lights changed there too.  Hopefully the dealer can figure out what is wrong with it.  I had to rev the motor a lot to change lanes.. you get stuck with lanes going off to another freeway so you go down to 40 MPH then you have to gun it to merge to the next lane where they are going 70 mph.  I am scared doing it each day so I guess this time I gunned it too much... stalled it and burnt something out because smoke came out from under the hood.  In the meantime I get chauffeured to work then Jim golfs and then picks me up after work.  Not much else new here.  Hope all is well with everyone else.

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