Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas Y'all

Just finished packing for our trip to the south.  Took Sparky for a walk and got soaked in the sprinkler out back.  Nice and warm so far.  I took a picture of my Christmas mani pedi.  I don't know if they do this in Canada now but down here they always paint one finger a different colour.  The most incredible thing was that when he was scraping my toe nails it hurt a little... you might think that that is a weird success in life but it means I am finally getting some of the feeling back in my toes.  Not much but I will take it.  They really scrape your feet here too.  Instead of just an emery board type thing they scrape of the skin with a scraper like a cheese grater..It is awesome especially after all my long walks on the beach.
Have a Merry Christmas Everyone

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