Thursday, July 31, 2014

This is from the end of my driveway of the hotel that I am staying in looking towards work.  The street that work is on is between the two buildings that you see

This is at the end of the street looking down towards the office.  Gold's Gym is on the left.  We get a discount on a membership there.

This is the front of the office building.  The walkway on the second floor goes across to the parking garage.  There are two of them, one at each end of the building.

This is looking more straight on at the main entrance of the head office.

This is the view from my desk looking out.... yes I can see out a window.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

This is me my first day on the job... they take a picture of you and email it to everyone so that they recognize you as a new person.  Very helpful since I keep getting lost.  The office is a maze.
Helped out to resolve an issue today and went around to meet all of the users so all good today.  Got blisters from my new shoes though so hopefully my feet will heal.  Walked to work today from the hotel so now have to go find somewhere to eat.

Monday, July 28, 2014

One day down.... Mostly orientation today... learned things like you can't bring coffee or food from another restaurant into the building... makes sense but I never thought of it.  Went to the Social Security office and applied for a number.  Should get it in 8 to 10 business days.  All I have is a letter from them so they didn't know how they were going to put me in payroll since it is a mandatory field.  I filled out the rest of the I9 etc. manually not on the computer and they are going to figure something out.  At first they thought of sending me home until I had a number but now they are going to do something ...  After work I went to the place where I am trying to rent who also wanted my Social Security number.  I gave them the letter and the rest of the paper work and they are going to contact their head office to see what they can do about it... He did take the apt off of the market though so hopefully I will get it... I made it there by 5:30 tonight by leaving the office at 5 so it is about the same drive I had in Ottawa just not as far but more traffic.  Apparently it gets worse as it does in Ottawa in Sept but overall it is a pretty good drive.  When I get it I will post a link to it in the blog.
Went shoe shopping tonight to get shoes to replace the melted ones and shoes that fit company policy... no flipflop type sandals ..even birkinstocks so I bought some pumps that will do the trick.

Well off to bed now since I haven't had much sleep in the last few nights and will have to do some actual work tomorrow.  Good night.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Too much heat melts your shoes in Texas... I guess I will have to just wear my leather bottom ones

Saturday, July 26, 2014

I was able to look at a few apts today as well as drove around a bunch of neighbourhoods.  Talked to the girls on the desk at the hotel who gave me advice on where not to go based on who my neighbours would be.     Racism with crime comments for certain neighbourhoods.  I guess it is like me saying I wouldn't live in Ledbury in Ottawa.  Good to know.  The place I have narrowed it down to though they said was in a nice neighbourhood.  Going to check out more tomorrow.
I am getting used to the freeways over freeways over freeways.  It was overwhelming driving at first.... it is like you have a spider web over your head.  I have figured out a few of the routes to where I need to go so am used to going that way now.  On the GPS it is hard to know which of the 10 roads it is showing is the one that you are turning on... only screwed up a couple of times so far but the GPS got me unlost so it is all good.  
I am staying in the same hotel that I stayed in for my interview so I can walk to work on Monday morning.  They are giving me a deal depending on how long I stay here.  There wasn't any vacancy tonight so I booked a room for Sunday night and then after I talked to them for awhile they gave me the room for tonight too.... so much for being full... cater to me since they might get a month rent out of me.
Thanks to Mark Datars for the hint on how to use my visa on the gas pumps when it asks for your zip code... put in the three numbers for you postal code and then 2 zeroes and you are good to go... had to do it 3 times today/yesterday... nice to fill up for $35.00 though.
Good night ... more apt shopping tomorrow

Apt shopping...lots of fun
That was a short night but I needed the sleep... good hot breakfast in the lobby so am ready to go.  San Antonio here I come.
Staying in Texarkana tonight... Almost in Texas but not quite.  Tons of construction so it is going a lot slower than planned... I will be able to get there tomorrow... just not sure if any of the rental offices will still be open.  I will at least be able to look at them from the outside and go back in the aft on Sunday.  Finally got the pictures from my phone onto the computer... took two selfies before I left home

Friday, July 25, 2014

Sorry last two posted in the wrong order
On the road again.fixed phone to roam...go get coffee and off I go
100 miles to Nashville.  Tons of construction
On the road again. Fixed phone to roam do now get a coffee and I am off
I am now in Wapakoneta, Ohio.  Just past Toledo before Dayton.  It is 3:26 so I got tired and pulled off.  It took an hour to get across the border.  The guy at Ogdensburg didn't stamp one place so they had to fix it, update my file, finger print and eye scan me to make sure I was me... and then they stamped it and let me through.  Jim will probably have the same problem... it is their mistake not hours it just holds you up so if you are flying you would have to go even earlier.  There is tons of construction on this side of the border so went through a lot of it tonight a lot faster than tomorrow morning... According to GPS I am under the 20 hours now to get there......Good night

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Made it to service centre just before Toronto.   Left home just before 4  so good so far.
Ok this is me trying to post  to my blog from my phone. This is my last night in Canada for awhile.  I will post along my way if this works.