Sunday, June 30, 2013

Last year the wasps built their nest in the sand beside the deck.  This year they wanted out of the rain... we opened up the umbrella this weekend and look what we found.

Jim got stung twice looking at them.  He knocked it down with a hockey stick. so they were really mad.

I now have orange flowers out back.  Just a few for now but more are coming along.
Did another ride today before it got too hot and then I started working on getting the paperwork ready for next Sunday big event at the pedicure stop.  I hope it raises a lot of money since she has worked hard to organize the event.  There will be a couple of radio stations and newspapers and some municipal reps so hopefully it goes well.
40.738 km is how far I went today
30.8 kph was my fastest...obviously downhill
17.7 kph avg speed so up a little but I didn't go as far
2:17:30 this is how long I was out for.
Jim fixed my seat half way through so it doesn't hurt as much so hopefully the next ride will be better.

The flyer for next week is in pdf so I can't copy it very well but this is what it says....

On July 7th the Pedicure Stop will be hosting a fundraiser to help support Janice
Vanden Tillaart and her 100 km bike ride along the Rideau River to raise money
for cancer research.
Stop by and enjoy one of the many services the Pedicure Stop will be offering.
Donations will be accepted for services such as, mini-pedicure, mini-manicures
and eyebrow waxing. There will also be BBQ, with the food generously donated by
MacKinnon’s Foodland. All money raised will directly go to support Janice and her
ride. To donate directly to Janice visit http://my.ohfoundationfondationho.
Ride the Rideau is a one-day road cycling adventure that takes participants on a
100 km ride from Ottawa to Merrickville. All the money that is raised goes directly
to support cancer research at the Ottawa Hospital research Institute.
Find out more about Ride the Rideau at
All About You Construction
Arbonne International
Bakker General Store
The Pedicure Stop
Official Sponsor
6150 Mitch Owens Rd.
Sunday, July 7th, 2013
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

 Margaret's pictures of yesterday are a little clearer than mine and I am in them instead of her... enjoy!!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Parents and their babies greeted us when we started our kayak trip today.  We went in across from Billings Bridge.

The swans were not afraid at fact they almost bit our boats....they must have had a nest  near by.

This one hissed at Margaret

Margaret trying to go up the rapids at Carleton U

I was stuck on a rock facing up the rapids... really neat experience

Margaret still paddling going no where.

Turn around and go the other way and it was really calm but still a lot of current under our boats.  It was weird to feel that much power moving you without any waves.

I love the black swans.

The red beak on the black ones is such a contrast.

Where Time Time per trip Km Km per trip Avg Speed
Sunday Bike Ride 3.20.20 3.20.20 51.204 51.204 15.3
Ride to Larry's 4.02.38 0.42.18 63.639 12.435 15.7
Ride to mom's 4.20.10 0.17.32 68.868 5.229 15.8
Ride to Work 5.28.06 1.07.54 88.927 20.059 16.2
Ride home from work 6.24.26 0.56.20 108.91 19.983 16.9
beside computer 6.25.35 NA 108.91 0 16.9
Ride to Work 7.50.24 1.24.49 130.04 21.13 16.5
Ride home from work 8.55.31 1.05.07 149.6 19.56 16.7
Ride to Work 10.08.05 1.12.36 169.91 20.31 16.7
Ride home from work 11.13.34 1.05.29 189.48 19.57 16.7

These are my trips so far... now that I have a pedometer that works I can track my rides.  The beside computer was hilarious.  Put the pedometer next to a laptop and it starts spinning... there is a high speed tracker that put it up to 73 kph... I was zooming..   I have to increase my average speed but if I keep up riding at least three times a week to work it should be ok.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Yesterday I went out for another bike ride.  I went for 3 hours and twenty minutes.  I only went 51.204 km. My highest speed was 32 km per hour and my average was 15.3 kpm.  My average was 17.9 on pavement but over 20 of the km was on gravel which slowed me down.  I now know that I can do the 50km race in Sept so now I just have to build up to the 100km.

See below.... James is a happy camper.  He picks it up tomorrow.  I will be sad to see the cavalier go but it was time.
The before and after.  No he didn't get a new yellow camaro...maroon now and it doesn't have the ugly black stripe on the front.  More of a Teacher's style than a kid style